Academic Assembly

May 7, 2019 Meeting Agenda (HSEC, MD 105 Lecture Hall, 3:30 to 5:00 p.m.)

  1. Call to order (Alexander Kasiukov)
  2. Approval of April 9, 2018 meeting minutes
  3. Chair's Report (Alexander Kasiukov)
  4. Resolutions from the College-wide Curriculum Committee:
    1. Resolution 2019-02-[05] Approving the HUM130 Career Internships: Equity, Choices, and Professionalism in the Workplace Course Adoption Proposal (Marlene DuBois, Janet Simpson) Passed [36-1-4]
    2. Resolution 2019-02-[06] Approving the BIO130 Anatomy and Physiology 1 Course Revision Proposal (Janet Simpson) Passed [36-3-3]
  5. Resolution 2019-02-[07] Authorizing the Formation of an Ad-hoc Committee: Working Group on Shared Governance at the College (Marc Fellenz) Passed [33-3-6]
  6. Elections of governance officers (please see the current edition of the Elections Guide for descriptions of these positions):
  7. Report and Presentation of the Ad-hoc Committee on Student Retention (Tat Sang So)
  8. [Added to the agenda at the meeting] Update on Faculty-authored Textbooks (Karen Dovell)
  9. Update on the 'W' Grade Proposal (Jill Malik)
  10. Campus Update (James Keane)
  11. For the Good of the Assembly
  12. Motion to Adjourn