Academic Assembly

April 9, 2019 Meeting Agenda (HSEC, MD 105 Lecture Hall, 3:30 to 5:00 p.m.)

  1. Call to order (Alexander Kasiukov)
  2. Approval of February 26, 2019 meeting minutes
  3. Chair's Report (Alexander Kasiukov)
  4. Resolutions from the College-wide Curriculum Committee:
    1. Resolution 2019-02-[02] Approving the BIO151 - College Biology II - Organismal Biology Course Revision Proposal (Thomas Gordon, Janet Simpson) Passed [27-1-2]
  5. Resolutions from the College-wide Academic Standards Committee:
    1. Resolution 2019-02-[03] Extending Dean's List Eligibility to Part-Time Students (Art Lundahl, Karen Dovell, Jill Malik) Passed [30-2-0]
  6. Discussion and vote on the Resolution 2019-02-[04] Approving Operations of Governance Coordinating Body for 2019-2020 Academic Year (Paul Basileo, Laurey Buckley, Alexander Kasiukov) Failed [6-31-5]
  7. Update and discussion on Faculty Authored Textbooks (Karen Dovell)
  8. Update on the 'W' Grade Proposal (Jill Malik)
  9. Campus Update (James Keane)
  10. For the Good of the Assembly
  11. Motion to Adjourn