Academic Assembly

December 11, 2018 Meeting Agenda (HSEC, MD 105 Lecture Hall, 3:30 to 5:00 p.m.)

  1. Call to order (Alexander Kasiukov)
  2. Approval of November 13, 2018 meeting minutes
  3. Chair's Report (Alexander Kasiukov)
  4. Resolutions from the College-wide Curriculum Committee:
    1. Resolution 2018-09-[09] Approving the SOC122 - Modern Social Problems Course Revision Proposal (Lynn Liebert Marx, Janet Simpson) Passed [30-2-3]
  5. Discussion: programs with 50% or more of their coursework potentially available in DE modality are classified as DE programs by the New York State Department of Education. What academic implications does this designation have?
  6. Discussion on SUNY Sexual Harassment and Consensual Relationship Policy
  7. Tri-Campus Governance
    1. Curricular Process and the need for inter-campus coordination (Janet Simpson)
    2. Blackboard Community Discussion Forum enrollment process and demonstration (Alexander Kasiukov)
  8. Campus Update (James Keane)
  9. For the Good of the Assembly
  10. Motion to Adjourn