Academic Assembly

May 21, 2019 Meeting Agenda (HSEC, MD 105 Lecture Hall, 3:30 to 3:50 p.m.)

  1. Call to order (Alexander Kasiukov)
  2. Approval of May 7, 2018 meeting minutes
  3. Resolutions from the College-wide Curriculum Committee:
    1. Resolution 2019-02-[08] Approving the ENG100 Enhanced Composition Course Adoption Proposal (Janet Simpson) Passed [42-1-0]
  4. Resolution 2019-02-[09] Terminating the Honors Advisory Committee (David Marshall) Postponed to satisfy the requirement that copies of proposed amendments must be submitted in writing to all members of the Assembly at least ten days prior to the session at which they appear on the agenda.
  5. Call for membership: Committee for Serving the Needs of Persons with Disabilities (Michele Gentile, John Jerome)
  6. Motion to Adjourn